YouTube Timestamp link generator

YouTube Timestamp Link Generator


Our YouTube Timestamp Link Generator is a handy tool designed to create clickable links for sharing specific timestamps in YouTube videos. Whether you're referencing specific moments in videos, creating playlists, or sharing highlights with others, our tool provides an easy way to generate timestamped links for precise navigation.


  • Simple Interface: Offers a user-friendly interface for easy navigation and operation.
  • Timestamp Input: Enables users to input timestamps directly into the tool for generating timestamped links.
  • Real-time Updates: Generates timestamped links in real-time as users input timestamps.
  • Copy Functionality: Provides one-click copy functionality to easily copy the generated timestamped link for sharing.

How it Works

Our YouTube Timestamp Link Generator operates by formatting timestamps into URL parameters recognized by YouTube. When users click on the generated link, it opens the YouTube video at the specified timestamp, allowing for seamless navigation to specific moments in the video.


Using the YouTube Timestamp Link Generator is simple:

  1. Input Timestamp: Enter the desired timestamp in the format "hh:mm:ss" into the provided text field.
  2. Generate Link: Click the "Generate Link" button to create the timestamped link with the specified timestamp.
  3. Copy Link: Click the "Copy Link" button to copy the generated timestamped link to the clipboard for sharing.


Our YouTube Timestamp Link Generator offers several benefits:

  • Precision: Enables precise navigation to specific moments in YouTube videos by generating timestamped links.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines the process of sharing specific video timestamps with others.
  • Accessibility: Offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for anyone to generate timestamped links.
  • Versatility: Can be used for referencing specific moments in videos, creating playlists, or sharing highlights with others.


Our YouTube Timestamp Link Generator is a valuable tool for anyone looking to share specific moments in YouTube videos with precision and ease. By providing clickable links with timestamps, our tool simplifies the process of referencing, navigating, and sharing video content.

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