UTM link generator

UTM Link Generator


Our UTM Link Generator is a powerful tool designed to create UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters for tracking the performance of marketing campaigns and website traffic. Whether you're running email campaigns, social media promotions, or advertising campaigns, our tool provides an easy way to generate UTM-encoded URLs for accurate tracking and analysis.


  • Customizable Parameters: Allows users to specify UTM parameters, including source, medium, campaign, term, and content.
  • Real-time Updates: Generates UTM-encoded URLs in real-time as users input their preferences.
  • Preview: Provides a preview of the generated UTM-encoded URL for verification.
  • Copy Functionality: Offers one-click copy functionality to easily copy the generated URL for use in marketing campaigns.

How it Works

Our UTM Link Generator operates by encoding user-defined UTM parameters into the URL query string. UTM parameters are added to the URL to track specific campaign attributes, such as the source, medium, campaign name, keywords, and content variations. The generated UTM-encoded URL can then be used in marketing materials, allowing marketers to track the effectiveness of their campaigns and measure user engagement.


Using the UTM Link Generator is simple:

  1. Input URL: Enter the URL of the landing page or destination you want to track into the provided text field.
  2. Specify UTM Parameters: Enter values for the UTM parameters, including source, medium, campaign, term, and content, into the respective input fields.
  3. Generate UTM Link: Click the "Generate UTM Link" button to create the UTM-encoded URL with the specified parameters.
  4. Review: Review the generated UTM-encoded URL displayed below and verify the UTM parameters.
  5. Copy: Click the "Copy" button to copy the generated UTM-encoded URL to the clipboard for use in marketing campaigns.


Our UTM Link Generator offers several benefits:

  • Tracking: Enables accurate tracking of marketing campaigns and website traffic by adding UTM parameters to URLs.
  • Analysis: Provides valuable insights into campaign performance, user engagement, and conversion attribution through UTM-encoded URLs.
  • Customization: Allows marketers to customize UTM parameters to track specific campaign attributes and variations.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines the process of generating UTM-encoded URLs, saving time and effort for marketers.


Our UTM Link Generator is an essential tool for marketers looking to track the performance of their marketing campaigns and website traffic accurately. By generating UTM-encoded URLs with customizable parameters, our tool empowers marketers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize marketing efforts.

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