Mailto link generator

Mailto Link Generator


Our Mailto Link Generator is a simple tool designed to generate mailto links for embedding email addresses in HTML documents. Whether you're creating contact pages, newsletters, or email marketing campaigns, our tool provides an easy way to generate mailto links with customized subject lines, body content, and CC/BCC recipients.


  • Customization: Allows users to specify email addresses, subject lines, body content, and CC/BCC recipients for the mailto link.
  • Real-time Updates: Generates the mailto link in real-time as users input their preferences.
  • Accessibility: Ensures compatibility with email clients and web browsers for seamless email communication.
  • Copy Functionality: Provides a one-click copy button to easily copy the generated mailto link.

How it Works

Our Mailto Link Generator operates by taking user input for email addresses, subject lines, body content, and CC/BCC recipients and formatting them into a mailto link. The generated link can then be embedded in HTML documents, allowing users to click the link to open their default email client with pre-filled fields.


Using the Mailto Link Generator is straightforward:

  1. Email Address: Enter the email address of the recipient(s) into the provided text field.
  2. Subject Line: Enter the subject line for the email into the provided text field.
  3. Body Content: Enter the body content for the email into the provided text area.
  4. CC/BCC Recipients: Optionally enter email addresses for CC/BCC recipients into the provided text field.
  5. Generate Link: Click the "Generate Link" button to create the mailto link.
  6. Copy Link: Click the "Copy Link" button to copy the generated mailto link to the clipboard.


Our Mailto Link Generator offers several benefits:

  • Convenience: Simplifies the process of generating mailto links for embedding email addresses in HTML documents.
  • Customization: Allows users to customize subject lines, body content, and recipients for personalized email communication.
  • Efficiency: Saves time and effort by providing a quick and easy way to create mailto links.
  • Accessibility: Ensures compatibility with various email clients and web browsers for seamless user experience.


Our Mailto Link Generator is a useful tool for web developers, marketers, and anyone else needing to embed email addresses in HTML documents. By providing customizable options and one-click copy functionality, our tool simplifies the process of creating mailto links for enhanced email communication.

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